There are some things that I really don’t like changing unless I have to – mail servers and anything server side related to mail being high on that list. So, having decided that a more flexible server setup was needed for mail I decided to start upgrading and will make the swap tomorrow night. Of course the actual server didn’t read it’s copy of the email regarding this so decided that it would be as awakward as possible tonight during the initial stages of the upgrade! The upshot is that I’ve done about 25% of the changes already! This is good as it reduces the time pressure for tomorrow night, but has led to me having the serviecs unavailable before I said they’d be offline, which may have caused a few users problems. Oh well, can’t win them all.
Apart from that it’s been a great weekend. Still not finished finding this bug I’ve triggered in OpenSSH but will hopefully get the patch into some other peoples hands (BGA you ready?) soon and they can look. I’ve also yet to figure out why the client we write doesn’t work correctly.