Continuing my delve into React, webpack and so on and after adding a bunch of css files, I decided it was time to join the 21st century and switch to one of the css preprocessors. LESS was all the rage a few years ago, but now sass seems to have the mindshare and so I’m going to head down that route.


Oddly enough, it installs via npm 🙂

npm install --save-dev node-sass npm install --save-dev sass-loader

Webpack Config

The webpack config I’m using is as detailed in my post More Webpack, so the various examples I found online for adding sass support didn’t work as I was already using the ExtractTextPlugin to pull all my css into a single file. The solution turned out to be relatively simple and looks like this.

{ test: /.scss$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract(['css', 'sass']) }

Additionally I need to add the .scss extension to the list of those that can be resolved, so another wee tweak.

resolve { ... extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx', '.css', '.scss'] }


One reason for moving to SASS is to allow me to split the huge css files into more manageable chunks, but how to arrange this? Many posts on the matter have pointed me to SMACSS and I’m going to read through the free ebook (easily found via a web search) to see what inspiration I can glean, but I think for each React component I’d like to keep the styles alongside as the bond between the JSX and the styling is very tight and changing one will probably require thinking about further changes. As per previous experiments, the component can then require the file and it will magically appear in the bundled, generated css file, regardless of whether I’ve written it in sass or plain css.

For the “alongside” files I’ll use the same filename and the leading underscore that tells sass not to output the file directly, though with the webpack setup that isn’t a concern now but getting into the habit is likely a good idea for the future 🙂 This means fora component in a file named App.js I’ll add _App.scss and add a line require(‘_App.scss’); after the rest of the requires.


I want to use a central variables file for the project, which I can then reference in the sass files, but haven’t quite decided where it should live just yet. Hopefully after reading the ebook and looking at the project a bit more it will make sense.

Now sass handling in place it’s time to start pulling apart my monolithic plain css file and creating the smaller sass files.