Round One Results
It appears that the enormous number of objections (over 240 against with only one in favour) to the proposal to erect a monitoring mast at Newmiln caused Ecotricity to revert to plan B. They have withdrawn their proposal and will (apparently) be resubmitting for an even higher mast rather than risk a defeat at the hands of the planners. While this is good news it doesn’t mean that the proposal is dead, merely paused.
UPDATE: apparently the speed of the planning process is too fast for their website which still shows the application as under consideration today!
When the next application is submitted everyone who submitted an objection needs to submit another, and encourage others to submit one. The best way we can celebrate this small victory is to ensure that the next application garners even more objections. The window for submitting objections is only 2 weeks long, so now is the time to start thinking about what you will say in your next objection.
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<em>UPDATE 2: Apparently the new submission is required as Ecotricity now want different turbines and to put them in different locations. :-(</em>