The first public meeting of GASPS was held in the Methven Community Centre – the same location that Ecotricity chose for their drop-in session that brought their plans into public view.
Attendance for the GASPS meeting was better than I thought it would be and brought a wide range of people together from the surrounding communities.
The chairman of GASPS, Brian Simpson, gave a good overview of the project and the uphill struggle ahead in trying to prevent the development going ahead.
Planning expert Jim Lochhead from CATS recounted his personal experiences and outlined the planning process that would be involved.
Many of those attending had experience of fighting other proposed developments and contributed many useful points to the discussions, but one contribution that really stood out was an estimate of how much money the proposal would generate in Renewable Obligation Certificates over it’s 20 year planned life – almost £20million! This is an enormous sum and puts the £9,200/year that Ecotricity are offering to pay the local community into stark prespective.
GASPS are seeking volunteers, so if you can help they ask you [email]( for GASPS) them directly.
The GASPS website has more pictures from the event available.