No, not the type of flashing that is covered by “Breach of the Peace, Indecent Exposure”, but rather the camera style of flash that has become popular thanks to Armed with a few small flash units and some cameras we headed for the ruins of Old Chapel on the hillside facing Edinburgh city as the sun slowly set. It was light for longer than I expected it to be and so we had time to setup and play with the strobes and the twilight.
There were only three of us, so when we arrived we all headed off in different directions with our cameras – meaning that I was lacking a model! Without my IR remote I was forced into self timer and taking pictures of myself!
As the sky darkened Scott donned his leather mac and climbed onto some nearby rocks for a series of “heroic style” pictures!
It was a good learning experience and points the way to the next meetups for this activity. The whole set can be viewed here!