I’ve just finished editing episode 13 of Feathercast. It’s scheduled to be published in around a week from now (subsribe to the feed now to avoid missing any episodes!), which will mark the 3rd consecutive Monday with a new episode release! We’ve been very careful to avoid creating a timetable for our releases as we don’t want to add the stress into our lives, but the last 3 episodes have been available and releasing one a week seemed right.
Episode 13 marks the first time I used my MAudio Microtrack recorder for a feathercast interview. The Microtrack is a great device and has a lot of features in a small box, making it ideal for travelling. Still not sure I’m as proficient with it as I’d like to be, but only experience will help.
ApacheCon US starts on October 9th in Austin, Texas and if all goes well there will be at least one feathercast released during the event! I look forward to seeing everyone there.