Feathercast is up to episode #5! Amazing to think just how fast we’ve gotten there and very gratifying to hear all the positive things people have said about it. Rich has episodes #6 and #7 in the bag and ready to reveal, but we’re going to pace ourselves 🙂 We’ve always said that we weren’t aiming for any particular release schedule, so if you want to keep up to date you’ll just have to subscribe to a feed! (We’re in the iTunes music store as well!)
One aspect that hasn’t seen any activity is people leaving comments about upcoming interviews. If there is a question you’d like to see us ask, add a comment with the question and we’ll see what we can do! Similarly, if there is a project or person you’d like to see us interview, post about that as well. We receive all posts and do read them – honest!
Finally, thanks to everyone for the kind words and support shown so far 🙂