edinburgh fringe
For many years I’ve wanted to go to the fringe. Reading the reviews it always sounds as if it would be fun – and it is! Having a base in Edinburgh this year means that I finally managed to attend a few of the shows. This weekend is classed as “preview” for many shows and thus carries a lower price tag than later in the month. Went to 2 shows tonight, both good and have tickets for 4 more in the next week or so!
Went to see “Goodies Rule OK” which was brilliant. It’s a real shame that neither the BBC nor ITV have allowed the Goodies to be shown again. It’s a show that really deserves a long life of reruns.
Also managed to get tickets for Dara O’Briens show. It’s being recorded for BBC Radio 2 and is free, so getting tickets was lucky as they were selling out fast! I’m really looking forward to it.