I’m home again after completing the journey home from Austin. The conference was good fun and quite unbelievably I think I managed to complete my entire ToDo list!
Rich and I worked really hard to achieve the goal of releasing a Feathercast episode every day from the conference and we managed to get some very good interviews and sound bites in doing so. We’ve got a small amount of material to be edited and released at a later date, but I think that both Rich and I are looking forward to taking a break from the editing for a while!
My presentation was a mixed bag and I’m not 100% sure how it was recieved. It could have done with a different order and probably a bit more depth, but being the very last session of the conference meant I only had about 10 people in the room. A couple of good, sensible questions were asked so maybe it wasn’t all bad 🙂
It was really good seeing a lot of folks I’ve not seen in a while and meeting a lot of new ones through pestering people for Feathercast or to add their committer information.
The conference did seem to be lacking the vitality and energy of prevous ApacheCons, but as it’s the third this year maybe there is a good reason for that. Not sure if I’ll go to the next one in Amsterdam yet. I’ll review closer to the time.
Now I’m home it’s time to catch up on some washing and start working on all the projects that I somehow agreed to work on!