Another stalker...

Having finally managed to stop the nasty people from my bank calling me, now another company has started. Yep, the inetrnet bank Egg is now on my list of companies I’ll not do business with. Funnily enough I had contemplated having a savings acount with them a short while ago, but now I won’t do business with them. So far today they’ve called me at 10am and 2pm, both times with a pre-recorded announcement that starts “This is an important announcement from Egg…” I hang up at that point as I have no business with Egg and now never will.

Apparently when the number of calls gets to 10 I can call and complain to BT, so I’ll try and record the calls here and then call when they reach the magic number. I really wish companies would get the message.

Another one was received at 17:48 today…

Another one at 18:40 today…